2월, 2022의 게시물 표시

The Student, By Anton Chekhov (1894)

 Rating:9.5/10 'The Student' was vague to understand. I need a piece of religious knowledge and the hero's journey to interpret. The second step of a hero's journey is a call to adventure. In this story, the call was the light of widows' gardens. Due to the light, he found a way in the freezing weather and got into the special world, the widows' garden. Because I am Christian, I religiously comprehended the story. I think that the widows were growing apart from God. It might be the result of poverty or the loss of their husband. Under this harsh condition, they doubted the existence of God and became loose. They even forgot Easter. Thus, when Ivan told the story of a weak, foolish Peter, Vasilisa was moved. Also, the fire might be Chekhov's gun which symbolizes the spirit of God. In the bible, after Easter, there was fire above each Christian, and it was the spirit of God. Considering these, I believe the story's message is that God is always with us. De

A Sound of Thunder, By Ray Bradbury (1952)

rating: 9.0 I enjoyed reading this story because this story was different from other typical fiction related to adventure. For most adventure stories, the main character is an extraordinary hero who overcomes the obstacles during the experience and finally achieves something precious. This process is called a hero's journey. However, in the story, the main character named 'Eckels' was just a coward who couldn't face the dinosaur and even run away. This story follows a hero's journey, but the main character is unique. I thought there was a reason why the author made his main character not cool, and I found that Eckels is similar to the human individual. People might be weak and insignificant compared to nature. Indeed, humans still can't go against the laws of nature. However, like a butterfly effect, a person's small advance or impact can change the whole history though it might not seem significant at that moment. Regardless of the intention, the consequenc